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Martin Green: The ‘rock star’ of solar research who lives in a Sydney suburb

Jul 06, 2023

He developed the cell that’s harnessing solar energy around the globe and has been lauded on the international stage. So why isn’t the University of NSW’s Martin Green a household name in his own country?

By Nick O'Malley

Professor Martin Green at Molong Solar Farm, west of Orange, NSW.Credit: James Brickwood

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On a Tuesday night in early April, in a dining room on the 27th floor of the Mumbai home of Asia’s wealthiest man, Mukesh Ambani, a dinner is being held for about 20 people to mark the founding of his green power venture, New Energy. In the words of Ambani, who made his $130 billion fortune building a textiles business into a conglomerate of energy, petrochemicals and mass media interests, its aim is to make “clean and green energy abundantly available at an affordable price to every Indian, every Indian enterprise, and every Indian utility” – as well as to “save planet Earth from the ravages of climate change”.

Gathered around the table are the people Ambani believes can help make that happen. They include Robert Armstrong, the director of the MIT Energy Initiative, and Geoffrey Maitland, professor of energy engineering at Imperial College London. There’s Henrik Stiesdal, the Danish engineer who led the development of modern wind energy, and Rachid Yazami, the Singapore-based Moroccan scientist famous for his crucial role in developing the lithium-ion battery that’s made the electric vehicle revolution possible. The former Australian chief scientist Alan Finkel is there, too, with his wife, the journalist and biochemist Elizabeth Finkel. And there’s the man many believe has done more to help ward off impending climate catastrophe than any other single person, Professor Martin Green of the University of NSW, who attends the dinner with his wife, Judy.

“What a privilege it was to be there alongside the people who built the technology that will end the era of fossil fuels, the godfathers of wind and solar,” Finkel tells Good Weekend. Both technologies will be crucial in a decarbonised world but it is solar that will form the backbone of the world’s new economy – and it will do so in large part due to the work of Green and the scientists and engineers that he’s collaborated with or taught over the past four decades.

“When it comes to solar research, Martin Green is the Elvis Presley or the Frank Sinatra, depending on your taste,” says Australia’s Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Chris Bowen. “He’s the real deal, he’s the international mega rock star.”

Green does not look much like an international mega rock star. He has an elegant presence, long and thin, and is given to wearing smart and sensible slacks and sweaters. His hair is all there and not all grey, unusual for a man in his mid-70s. He speaks in a gentle sort of baritone and seems like the kind of man who hasn’t had to raise his voice much.

Outside of energy and academic circles, Green might be little known in Australia, but his global fame is growing. Last October, he was summoned to Helsinki where the President of Finland, Sauli Niinistö, conferred upon him one of the world’s leading technology awards, the Millennium Technology Prize. “Professor Green, you have stated that ‘a huge transformation of historical significance is underway,’ ” Niinistö announced. “Indeed, humankind is at a crossroads, and you are helping us to choose our direction.” This October Green will travel again, this time to London, where King Charles will award him the world’s leading engineering prize, the Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering, alongside other veterans of the solar program he built at UNSW, Andrew Blakers, now ANU emeritus professor, Dr Aihua Wang and Dr Jianhua Zhao. The award, said the prize foundation’s chairman, Lord Browne of Madingley, celebrates engineers who “solve the impossible and transform our world for the better”. The passivated emitter and rear solar cell, known as the PERC, which Green and his colleagues developed was one such innovation.

In solar research, says Minister for Climate Change and Energy, Chris Bowen, “he’s the international megarock star.”Credit: James Brickwood

Chris Bowen says there could be no modern solar industry, at least not as it is today, without the development of the PERC, and the decades of work Green put into solar development. “At this point there’s hardly a solar panel being installed in the world that does not include some of his technology,” he says. Asked which other Australians have had a similarly significant impact upon the world, Bowen doesn’t hesitate. “It is Howard Florey, Marcus Oliphant and Martin,” he says, placing Green alongside the pharmacologist who shared the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1945 for his work developing penicillin, and the physicist who was central to the development of the atomic bomb.

The ABC’s veteran science journalist Robyn Williams suggests other names – Lawrence Bragg, who spurred the early development of two fields of science, molecular biology and X-ray diffraction; and Henry Sutton who, in Ballarat in 1885, invented the telephane, a forerunner to television. Williams confesses to being frustrated both by how little Australia’s brightest scientific minds are celebrated, and by seeing the solar cells developed by Green and his team mass-produced in China rather than here. “It seems to me very important that Australians know how bright their scientists are and how surprising it is how little they’re supported.”

“There’s hardly a solar panel being installed in the world that does not include some of his technology.”

That public profile could all change if Green were to win a Nobel Prize, which is not inconceivable given he’s been nominated for one in the past, and considering the stature of the awards he’s recently won.

In a weird way, it was former US president Richard Nixon who supercharged Martin Green’s career. In October 1973, an Arab coalition led by Egypt and Syria and backed by the Soviet Union attacked Israel in the Yom Kippur War. Israel turned to the US for help, requesting $US850 million worth of arms. Nixon instead requested and was granted a $US2.2 billion package. His immoderate enthusiasm for Israel’s cause prompted the Arab coalition to launch an embargo on oil exports to the US and its allies, and the modern world changed.

Overnight, the post-World War II “long summer” of prosperity that had launched the Western middle class ended as oil prices quadrupled. Fears of a new Great Depression set in. Western governments scrambled to cut demand for oil and to find new sources of it. On November 7 that year, Nixon addressed the nation from the Oval Office to announce what he called Project Independence, in a speech marked by the sort of blunt language and calls for sacrifice that is so obvious in its absence from contemporary political rhetoric on climate change.

“We must face up to a very stark fact: we are heading toward the most acute shortages of energy since World War II. Our supply of petroleum this winter will be at least 10 per cent short of our anticipated demands, and it could fall short by as much as 17 per cent,” said Nixon, adding a bit later on, “In the short run, this course means that we must use less energy – that means less heat, less electricity, less gasoline. In the long run, it means that we must develop new sources of energy which will give us the capacity to meet our needs without relying on any foreign nation.”

Green in Helsinki with Finnish President Sauli Niinistö, who praised him for helping humanity.Credit: AP

To cut demand, the US government reshaped American life. It introduced year-round daylight savings, shifted work hours, set interstate highway speed limits and reduced air travel. Christmas lights outside homes and offices were banned and heating was turned down. The huge cars that Detroit had started building in the 1950s suddenly shrank, and fuel efficiency standards were developed. And finally, money was pumped into new technologies, from nuclear power to some that were considered fanciful – such as solar.

By then Albert Einstein had long established the basic principles of photovoltaics: that when light falls upon some materials it causes them to absorb photons – particles of electromagnetic radiation – and release electrons. Captured and directed, they can form an electrical current. But the process was cumbersome and inefficient: less than six per cent of the energy that fell onto a primitive silicon solar cell was converted into electricity, and this was done at vast expense.

NASA launched a solar-powered satellite as early as 1958 but, as Green puts it, only space missions could afford to spend millions to generate so few watts. After the 1973 oil crisis, in labs run by NASA, by start-ups and by a handful of universities around the world, a race began to investigate if solar cells could produce more electricity more efficiently and far more cheaply. Smart minds were catalysed by real funding, and what had been an obscure area of research suddenly became a viable focus of work.

Martin Green grew up before all this, in a happy home in Camp Hill, one of Brisbane’s growing postwar suburbs. A son spliced between two sisters, Judi and Robyn, he was “always the favourite”, says Judi: “Mum was always boasting about him.” Green denies his favoured child status; he reckons he just knew how to stay out of trouble.

His father Eric was an auto parts dealer who, in Green’s memory, was scarred by his World War II service; particularly the deaths of fellow crew members of a bomber he piloted, which was shot down over Hungary. His mother Gwendolyn – known to all as Jacki – worked over the years as a post-mistress and a house-parent in a home for intellectually impaired boys. Money was tight; when Green started playing rugby he used thick cardboard salvaged from printing paper boxes as shin pads. “You really needed them, scrums were hotly contested back then, not the shams they are now,” he says.

School never seemed that hard to Green, although he was sometimes scolded for a lack of focus. He was selected to attend Brisbane State High, which prided itself in competing with the state’s private schools to land scholarships for its students to the University of Queensland (UQ). In 1965, he was the school’s leading candidate for such a scholarship. “The previous year was really talented but ours wasn’t as good, and I was their big chance,” he recalls. He gave up rugby and began to focus a couple of months before exams on the mixed bag he’d chosen to study: maths, physics and languages. “In the end I topped the state, so I overshot a little bit.”

Green and his wife Judy in 1973in Canada, where his doctorate touched on solar cell technology.

He can still remember how his physics teacher, “Pud” Heenan, listed all the equations his students needed to pass an exam on a single sheet of paper, and how he could picture the page in his mind’s eye and select the information he needed from it. Inspired by Heenan and the one piece of impressive lab equipment available to him at school, an oscilloscope (which displays electrical signals as a graphical representation), Green chose to study electrical engineering with his UQ scholarship.

There, he became fascinated with microelectronics and emerging computer technology. Upon graduating, he was awarded a Commonwealth scholarship to pursue a PhD in engineering physics at McMaster University in Canada. Waiting for his funding to come through, he knocked out a master’s thesis, which involved writing computer programs that tested how electric currents moved through semiconductors including silicon.

He’d met Judy during their school years. Green can still describe the blue knit jumper she was wearing when he first saw her at the Brisbane train station, bound for a Christian youth camp in Bundaberg. The couple married before they left for Canada in 1971, which presented a thrilling adventure. “International travel was hellishly expensive then,” Green says. “They sent us these tickets in the mail, it was a chance to see the world.“

Green’s PhD work blended physics and microelectronics. He demonstrated, for example, that the phenomenon in which an electron could pass through a barrier that should have been able to stop it – known as quantum tunnelling – could be harnessed to make solar cells more efficient. When the 1973 oil crisis hit, it struck the then 25-year-old that his line of research might prove more than intellectually challenging and be of real and immediate public interest.

By 1974, Green was back in Australia, lecturing students at UNSW in microelectronics and continuing his own work on improving photovoltaic cells. Despite being an unknown specialist in an obscure field with no funding, laboratory or staff, he set out to beat NASA’s efforts to ramp up the power output of solar cells. He borrowed a spare room from the head of the school of electrical engineering and took on his first PhD student, Bruce Godfrey. Applying Green’s PhD research on tunnelling properties – and using secondhand equipment cadged from colleagues and contacts plus a pie-warming oven from an appliances store at nearby Coogee – Green and Godfrey succeeded in their mission of building a cell that achieved an output of 618 millivolts, similar to NASA’s results. What’s more, the construction of their cell was entirely different from those being explored in the US. Harnessing the tunnelling structures allowed for more voltage to be generated.

They had NASA’s attention. NASA and the US-based COMSAT Corporation continued pushing millivoltages to the high 600s, but Green soon shifted his focus. It dawned on him that more was to be gained by pursuing efficiency rather than increased voltages. If more power could be extracted from the same amount of space, huge savings could be made in cell manufacture.

Green with first PhD student Bruce Godfrey (left). They built a cellthat rivalled NASA’s.

In the new race, Green’s young solar program quickly began to lead the world. In 1983, his team made the first silicon solar cell to be more than 18 per cent efficient, breaking the record of 16.8.

The following year, Green published a paper that helped define the parameters of the emerging technology, demonstrating that the theoretical limit of efficiency of a crystalline silicon photovoltaic cell was between 29 and 30 per cent. Outside a laboratory setting, the limit was likely lower, perhaps 25 per cent. As far as much of the rest of the field was concerned though, 20 per cent efficiency was probably the limit. It might even be beyond reach. “They talked about it as the four-minute mile of the field,” says Green.

Green and his team beat that 20 per cent figure in 1985. For the next 30 years, aside from six months when researchers from Stanford pulled ahead, the UNSW School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering (SPREE), which evolved from Green’s solar group, held the efficiency record.

At the heart of this success was the development of the PERC solar cell. To significantly increase efficiency, Green and his team added a layer on the back surface of the cells, which improved its electronic quality and bounced unabsorbed photons back through it, thus generating more electrons. Green conceived of the PERC in 1983, the first efficient PERC cell was made in 1988 by Jianhua Zhao, based on a sequence developed by Andrew Blakers, and the 22.8 per cent cell, the first reported, was made in 1989 by Aihua Wang. The UNSW’s record fell in 2014 to Panasonic. Chinese company LONGi-Solar set a new mark of 26.8 per cent in 2022, when one of Green’s former students was head of its solar cell R&D. (Today the UNSW team has hit 25 per cent in a lab; Green believes commercial cells will soon do even better.)

Green with UNSW Professor Renate Egan.Credit: Richard Feeman/UNSW

It’s hard to exaggerate the importance of these records. They served to focus the team’s work, says Green, and broaden the way scientists considered the technical problems presented by the effort to increase efficiency – from the materials to construction, to the movement of particles and current through them to the microelectronics used to harvest the power.

When the team believed they had a record-breaking cell, he would package it up in foam and bubble-wrap and send it to the US Solar Energy Research Institute in Colorado for verification. “I would wait a few days then sit at the kitchen bench early in the morning to call and get the numbers,” says Green. “It was exciting. We could never be sure what they would measure, since by then our testing was better than theirs.”

With world records in their pocket, Green’s solar team was able to extract support from UNSW, federal government bodies and even US agencies, which by law could only back offshore research if it was unique. It also served to attract some of the world’s best minds in the then emerging field, particularly from a fast-opening-up China. Many of the latter stayed on in Australia when then prime minister Bob Hawke offered them asylum after the Tiananmen Square massacre.

“It seems to me very important that Australians know how bright their scientists are.”

The most significant impact of that dogged pursuit of incremental efficiency gains was on the cost of solar cells, which is where the story comes to Shi Zhengrong, who would become the world’s first solar billionaire but in 1989 was merely a Chinese student in search of a job. “I can remember it very clearly,” recalls Shi, speaking over a shaky Zoom line from Shanghai. “It was Tuesday afternoon around 5pm. I went to knock on Martin’s door and a tall, handsome professor answered. I just said to him, ‘Professor, I would like to find a job here.’ ” Green knocked him back at first, but eventually gave Shi a research scholarship. Shi became his 12th PhD student. (Chris Bowen is the first to point out to me that when you meet people at the top of the solar field, many refer to themselves not by their university or company but by what number they were in Green’s PhD program.)

Shi became an Australian citizen and would eventually be folded into the Green family, even giving advice to Green’s grown children, Morgan and Brie, when they established their own solar installation business.

In the 1990s, Green was determined to commercialise the technology and the university created a spin-off company, Pacific Solar, to pursue another of UNSW’s breakthroughs in solar tech, thin film crystalline silicon technology, at which Shi was technical director. After failed attempts to secure further funding to scale up production in Australia, Shi returned to China where, in 2001, with Stuart Wenham (Green’s third PhD student, who went on to become director of the ARC Photovoltaic Centre of Excellence), he established Suntech Power.

Shi Zhengrong was a Chinese student in search of a job in 1989, before becoming Green’s 12th PhD student. He became the world’s first solar billionaire.Credit: Getty Images

At the time, Germany was determined to begin decarbonising its economy and introduced the world’s first effective feed-in tariffs to subsidise the deployment of solar cells. Finally, all the ingredients were in place for mass solar production. Suntech set up vast factories in China using UNSW technology, American capital and Chinese expertise to meet surging German demand. In 2005, Suntech became the first privately owned Chinese company to list on the New York Stock Exchange, raising $US400 million.

Shi says he would have liked to pursue production in Australia but could notobtain the financial backing. The ABC’s Robyn Williams, among others, sees the Chinese exploitation of UNSW tech as a lost opportunity for this country. Green disagrees. In his view solar had become a necessary technology for the world and Australia was too small a home for it – it needed global markets, US capital and Chinese manufacturing capacity.

Spurred on by Suntech’s success, nine more Chinese solar companies also listed on US stock exchanges. Since they all relied on essentially the same UNSW technology, their most savage area of competition was in driving down production costs. They made affordable the solar panels that are now ubiquitous on suburban rooftops in Australia and in solar farms around the world.

Then came the global financial crisis, which hit just as Suntech had pumped cash into a massive expansion. The company fell into insolvency and was bought out in 2014. By then, though, the commercial viability of the industry had been established. When the crisis began, there had been 10 major players funded by US investors. Of the six that survived the GFC, five were led by Green’s former students as CEOs or chief technology officers at the time of listing.

The speed of solar’s rise and its falling cost keeps on wrong-footing the world. Between 2010 and 2019 the levelised cost of large-scale solar energy (a measure that takes in all the costs of deployment, maintenance and generation) fell by 85 per cent. In 2020, the International Energy Agency (IEA) – the single most significant source of energy policy advice to governments – wrote in its blockbuster World Energy Outlook report that solar was now the cheapest form of electricity generation in human history.

On its announced policy scenario, the IEA predicts three times the solar output by 2040 than it had expected in its 2018 report, partly due to new analysis showing that solar power had become 20-50 per cent cheaper than thought.

Green with his wife Judy at his 75th birthday.

In turn, solar deployment is soaring at a rate that’s hard to keep track of, the vast majority using the PERC technology developed by Green, Blakers and their colleagues at UNSW. “There’s more solar capacity being added in the world than any other fuel source, and it’s growing at over 30 per cent per annum,” says Tim Buckley, director of the think tank Climate Energy Finance (CEF). The US Energy Information Administration forecasts that the US will install 25 gigawatts of solar in 2023, a 40 per cent growth year-on-year, representing half of all its new capacity. In 2023, the CEF predicts that China will install six times that.

Asked what it was that propelled a small team on the far side of the world, in a country better known for digging up stuff than creating high-tech, to lead this revolution, Green says a lot came down to timing – the space race, the oil crisis, even Tiananmen Square.

His colleagues refer back to him. “He is the smartest person I have ever worked with, and I have worked with a lot of smart people,” says Professor Renate Egan, who recently replaced Green as leader of the Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics (ACAP), a research collaboration based at UNSW of six Australian universities and the CSIRO, another body that evolved out of Green’s work. “When you make a solar cell you have to understand the technology in its own right, but to make a solar panel you have to string them all together in modules, and you have to sandwich them between glass and polymer, and you have to understand the stresses involved in creating them, and they have to be constructed to survive for up to 40 years in hail and snow. Martin can have a conversation about every aspect of that, down to details like glass melting points. He can bring all of that to the table and bring it up when he needs it. He has a phenomenal mind. He can solve problems faster.“

Bonne Eggleston – Green’s 70th PhD, now head of battery development at Tesla – agrees. “He is brilliant. That’s obvious as soon as you meet him.” Eggleston, who was not only taught and supervised by Green but worked for him in one of the UNSW spin-off companies, describes a problem a group of engineers faced when a glass sheet they were trying to coat with silicon kept cracking under heat treatment. Green’s solution demanded deep knowledge of calculus, physics, thermodynamics and material science. “That’s rare,” says Eggleston. “Those hard problems are always of more than one discipline.“

Green’s dedication to the practical application of SPREE’s research elevated the institution, says Eggleston. “Most university degrees teach you to do something to get into an established industry, but we were really learning about how to build new technology.

“That’s why they went after silicon in the beginning. It was abundant and cheap. Other groups across the world were looking at gallium arsenide … those cells can make much higher efficiencies, but they’re unscaleable, they are materials that are not abundant. You can make [solar cells] in small quantities, but can you power the entire world? No chance.”

Bonne Eggleston, Green’s 70th PhD student, is Tesla’s head of battery development. He notes that his former supervisor brings a multidisciplinary approach to solving problems: “That’s rare.”

In the end, it was climate change that drove Eggleston to shift his attention. The solar research machine that Green had built at UNSW had solved the key problem, he believed. Cheap and abundant clean power could be generated; now it needed to be stored and distributed, so he moved to Tesla to concentrate on batteries. Shi felt similarly: with cells generating power at a viable efficiency, his business now focuses on making them lighter.

On a bright, cold, Saturday afternoon, at home at Bronte in Sydney’s east, Martin Green’s family and friends have gathered to celebrate his 75th birthday. His new Tesla has been moved from a tight space out the front to make more space for guests. Morgan and Brie dish family dirt in a speech occasionally interrupted by their own gambolling kids. We learn that at age 15, Green came home from a church camp in love with a girl called Judy. We learn that during their primary school years, Brie and Morgan twice won a sandcastle competition following a boot camp directed by their dad in which they tested water-to-sand ratios and practised construction on different beaches in varied conditions. At high school, we learn that he made them maths formulae that rendered exams a breeze but baffled their teachers.

We learn that when one of Green’s grandchildren voiced an early interest in pi, Green was able to recite it to 100 decimal points. We learn from Geoff Doble, a friend of the family, that Green has organised and participated in Bronte Surf Club’s Sunday afternoon run to Bondi and back for the past 20 years, and that the Greens make up the biggest single contingent in the run.

It’s left to Renate Egan to sum up his near 50-year career. In the 1970s, Green began investigating a technology few believed had any future. In the 1980s, he started setting the records and securing the funding. In the 1990s, he and his colleagues began building the companies to commercialise their work. “By the 2000s, Martin and his colleagues were setting up industries.“

Green watches all this with a distinctive half-smile. Asked later by Good Weekend to look back over his own career, he says he’s as proud of teaching 120 PhD students – many of whom are now leaders in a global industry – as he is of the breakthroughs made at UNSW. His recent decision to step back from leading ACAP is about refocusing his mind and time on research. He is now seeking to “guide the industry towards” the theoretical efficiency limit of current technology – the 30 per cent he cited so many years ago.

Then there’s the next step. Silicon effectively converts red photons to electricity – but what if another substance could convert blue photons, which have higher energy? And what if that could be layered on top of the silicon? A cell like this might reach 40 per cent efficiency, says Green – if someone could work out what material it should be made of. “I think I’m the right person to be looking into that.”

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In aMartin GreenWith worldAsked whatOn a